Uncategorised – creatosmedia.co.uk https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk Digital Marketing Agency Birmingham, specialising in Affiliate Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation Wed, 11 Nov 2020 08:27:25 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.6 Comprehensive Guide to International Keyword Research https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/comprehensive-guide-to-international-keyword-research/ https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/comprehensive-guide-to-international-keyword-research/#respond Wed, 11 Nov 2020 08:27:21 +0000 https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/?p=6236 I recently delivered a presentation on this subject for Semrush Poland webinar – it is in Polish but if anyone would like to watch the link is here. I thought it will be beneficial to share the process as it is not as straightforward as we believe. How to do international keyword research?  1) Understand […]

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I recently delivered a presentation on this subject for Semrush Poland webinar – it is in Polish but if anyone would like to watch the link is here.

I thought it will be beneficial to share the process as it is not as straightforward as we believe.

How to do international keyword research? 

1) Understand the intention of the searcher – this is vital, you have to know exactly what the person is searching for and what they want to achieve by performing this search.

2) You have to understand the buying cycle, and where in this buying cycle your potential customer is. Do they only do research? Or do they know they want ‘green Nike trainers size 8’

3) Check what keywords your competitors are ranking for and choose ones that would be suitable for you – do not go for everything as this will not always be the best choice.

4) Use your favourite tools for ideas like Google Keyword Tool, Aherfs, Semrush, UbberSuggest etc.

5) Collate all the data in one place and choose your priorities.

6) Once you have your keyword research in place, write your content so that it provides the best answer to the question and do not forget your keywords.

It is pretty easy right?

Why do we differentiate between international keyword research and ‘normal keyword research’? .

Because you will need to do all of that in a different language.

Can I translate my existing list of keywords?

The short answer is no.

Here is why:

Google actually does get that one right – but this is my favourite example – imagine you are not using Google translate just translating word by word – ‘jechac’ in polish language means drive and ‘autobus’ is a bus so the outcome is you are actually the driver of the bus.

Take in polish is ‘wziac’ but we do not use it exactly the same way as you use it in English language, it simply means pick up something and take it – so what do we end up here with ? You picked up the bus and went somewhere 😉

Now I know both languages so even if I used google translate I would see this is wrong – but if we do not know the language how do we know?

Structure and Culture

Each language is different. It may have a different structure than your native language but also people using this language may search in a different way. There was an interesting research by Innovation Language Management which revealed that in Western countries we use nouns to perform our searches whereas in Middle East people prefer to use verbs. There may be 100’s of other similar aspects.

Content is about communication with your visitors, so keyword research is a tool in this communication, and to communicate with people effectively you need to be familiar with a culture of this country.  Ask yourself questions like:

How do they talk to each other?

What words do they use?

How do they like and don’t like to be approached and talked to?

Another interesting research conducted by Webcertain revealed differences in search results in different countries, which suggests that intent varies country by country.

Here are type of search results user would get when searching for ‘chair’ in China and in USA.

In the US 60% results were about style and shape of chairs, whereas in China this type of search results accounted only for 20% .

Having said that, in my opinion – and not only mine, many other search experts in the field agree – you will need a native speaker to consult with on international projects.


Yes, this is also something to consider. The Latin alphabet is not the only one people use. Did you know that there are languages/alphabets where you read right to left? Which does make a difference when copying and pasting for example. Although I did know that, Ihadn’t considered copying and pasting issues before Jimi from Bootcamp Media mentioned it!

The same language – different country

Here it does get easier, but you still need to consider differences. You may not need someone from the USA to work with you all the time but it would be good to dive into differences between American and British English and possibly, consult the outcome with a native to be sure. 

In this case you won’t say anything like driving the bus, because you will know it is wrong – but you may miss on some great opportunities because in Britain we say things differently.

Here is an example from lingerie industry:

United Kingdom searches for ‘knickers’ and ‘panties’

United States searches for ‘knickers’ and ‘panties’

The search volume does not change for ‘knickers’ but for ‘panties’ we have UK: 27,100 vs US: 201,000 – it is a massive difference.

Here is another example from food industry:

Search in United Kingdom for ‘sweets’ and ‘candy’

Search in United States for ‘sweets’ and ‘candy’

This time there is a difference for both keywords, but for ‘candy’ the difference is massive. UK 27,100 vs US:450,000

You wouldn’t always go for the one with the highest search volume, but if you are strong enough to do so, forgetting about those subtle differences within English may cost you losing a lot of revenue.

Where do people search?

In Google right? The majority of times – yes. But whereinternational SEO is considered, you have to remember that there are places where Google is not the most popular search engine, for example:

Baidu is the most popular search engine in China, 70% of all searches are performed in Baidu, so if you are considering working with a client from China you will need Baidu specialist or a comprehensive training to start with.

Yandex processes 51% of searches in Russia, Google on the other hand processes 45% – pretty close huh? But you still wouldn’t like to lose this 51% would you? This is why, when considering working on Russian website – Yandex specialist is a staff addon to consider or/and educate yourself in.


To conclude, when international SEO is considered it is always a good idea to either employ or consult a native speaker, or a very high-level bilingual specialist, depending on a size of the project. I am not saying it is impossible for a British company to work on a website in the US or Australia – it is the same language I know, and we can do our research. I am saying in this case it is always a good idea to speak with someone who knows the US or Australian culture and can direct us to the right words – otherwise we could be losing revenue and not even know about it. What I am also saying is – it is close to impossible to work on a website in completely different language – even Google translate makes mistakes and it is very unfair to the client to charge them for Google Translate.

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Why marketeers should treat themselves as their own clients https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/why-marketeers-should-treat-themselves-as-their-own-clients/ https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/why-marketeers-should-treat-themselves-as-their-own-clients/#respond Fri, 30 Oct 2020 08:55:28 +0000 https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/?p=6218 I got you interested in this title didn’t I? But this is something all marketers should action. There is an old maxim in Poland that Shoemaker always walks around without his shoes, it means that whatever your job is or whatever you are good at you usually do not do it for yourself, and this […]

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I got you interested in this title didn’t I?

But this is something all marketers should action.

There is an old maxim in Poland that Shoemaker always walks around without his shoes, it means that whatever your job is or whatever you are good at you usually do not do it for yourself, and this is true. It usually happens because you feel you do not have time to do these things for your business because of important client work, or meetings or whatever else.

However, you have this great asset, you have this skill and you do not have to pay anyone for it, you can just do it yourself. Pretty much every business needs marketing because this is the way you find your potential customers – and you can do it for yourself.

Read on to see why the title says treat yourself as your own client.

Find time for your business

You would never say I have no time to do this client work or to deliver this task, would you?

Why would you say this when it comes to your own business?

I get it, I was the same, preferring to scroll LinkedIn constantly looking for new paid opportunities instead of, for example, writing a blog post for my business, like this one.

True, it is different – but this is not an unpaid opportunity – this opportunity will probably pay off a lot more than one client would. Because it builds my company’s credibility, it shows potential clients that whatever we say we can do, we are also doing it for ourselves – we are becoming our own case study to show off – do not waste this opportunity.


Of course, client work is important, and client prospecting is also important – this is why you need to allocate time and prioritise. Tell yourself you will spend 2 hours a day or at least 1 hour a day on ‘client work’ for your business – and stick to it.

Plan the work

Now imagine your business is actually your client, your highest paying client! What do you do? What is the process? Plan it. Plan Audits, Competitive Analysis, blog writing. Plan everything you would do for a client, make a to -do list or a trello /asana/whatever you are using board, to prioritise tasks. Now is the time for all necessary planning to make sure everything will go smoothly.

Do the work

Execute your plans. Do not say you don’t have time for it because that would mean you are saying you do not have time for your highest paying client.

Working on your business will actually show your potential clients that you are good at what you do, it will help you with client prospecting, it will help you to get in front of new potential customers.

If your strategy says you need to write one blog post a week – do it. Stick to your strategy and do not quit after one week explaining to yourself that there is no time for it. I dare you to find 1-2 hours a day, and stick to it. It will pay off.  At the end of the day – you work for your clients, so they can find new potential customers, why wouldn’t it work the same way for you?

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Complete list of businesses affected by Covid-19 https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/complete-list-of-businesses-affected-by-covid-19/ https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/complete-list-of-businesses-affected-by-covid-19/#respond Thu, 04 Jun 2020 10:13:00 +0000 https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/?p=6098 In good or bad way. When scrolling through my Linkedin page I am noticing many colleagues post that many of us are out of work or losing clients these days. It has got me thinking. Who is at the biggest and smallest risk of losing income during the coronavirus pandemic ? Majority of Europe is […]

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In good or bad way.

When scrolling through my Linkedin page I am noticing many colleagues post that many of us are out of work or losing clients these days. It has got me thinking. Who is at the biggest and smallest risk of losing income during the coronavirus pandemic ? Majority of Europe is getting back to normal slowly, but in UK we are still in lockdown ,so what is the outcome of the pandemic for various industries ? Who is still losing, who lost a lot and who won ?

What professions are ( don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to sound nasty) ‘first world’ enough to be suffering so much now. I know SEO and marketing does but we are kind of in the middle, probably because there are so many businesses that want to use coronavirus pandemic in their marketing, but who is not as lucky as we are ?

Here is what we think and why. The timings are based on the United Kingdom Strategy, we are not completely in a lockdown yet but we can already feel the pressure on our economy. Based on experiences from Europe we can predict which businesses unfortunately will suffer the most.

It is an informative post for all of you, but if you are in any of those professions make sure you have some savings that will keep you going. 

Businesses that are obviously suffering during coronavirus pandemic 


As we are told to avoid public places and some of us need to self isolate, people are now eating at home and ordering more than actually going to the restaurants.

Beauty salons

In a beauty salon you can’t keep away from the client so people are scared to use their services plus it’s a ‘luxury service’ and when we need to avoid leaving the house unless it is necessary, we can’t really visit beauty salons. 

Hair Salons 

Same goes for hair salons, we can’t keep away from each other at hairdressers and its a luxury service, it does not seem right to use it during such difficult time.


All travel industries will suffer, because countries are closing their borders, flights are cancelled or even if not, people are not buying new tickets because they are scared to travel during the world pandemic.

Party planners

It goes without saying that currently people do not want to throw parties, and soon they probably won’t be allowed to, once the government bans mass gatherings. 

Cinemas & Theaters 

In a time of social distancing, cinemas or theaters aren’t a go to anymore, vast majority of people if they are going out they prefer a forest or a field where they won’t meet too many other people.

Children Clubs

Although we are being told that children can often show no symptoms if they contract coronavirus, parents are being cautious and whoever can stop bringing their child to playgroups. 

After School clubs

Schools just about to get closed as we are writing this post, but many parents were concerned way before that, they had to send their children to schools but after school clubs are not compulsory so many parents may decide it is also not safe especially after schools get closed. 

Fitness Instructors

Group fitness classes can get crowded, and it is easy to catch a virus in those settings, therefore many instructors are canceling either because of drop in numbers or for the good of their class participants.

Night Clubs Adult Clubs

Night clubs are crowded almost all the time , especially in the big cities, that’s why those will s]]irely lose a lot even before the government decides to lockdown the country, simply because people will be scared to go for nights out.

Travel Agencies

For a very similar reason as airlines – people don’t want to go for a holiday during pandemic.

High Street Retailers

These will be probably hit very hard, as customers will shift even more towards online shopping.


There will be less holidays but also less business trips, face to face meetings etc, basically anything that requires meeting and can be postponed or changed to online at some point probably will be which means no need for a hotel.


There is 100s of people everyday at the gym, it goes without saying that it is easy to contract virus over there. Thats why people are already cancelling their memberships.

Community  Clubs

Community activities aren’t a must and if we are told we need some social distancing now it means – no community clubs.

Events Planners & Organisers

We are steps away from banning mass gatherings, it is already unsafe to be in crowded places and unfortunately good events are exactly that.

Football Industry

Football matches usually gather a lot of people, and unfortunately those mass gatherings are very unsafe now. Matches won’t be happening at all, or even if , will be happening without the audience. 

Sport Clubs

Similarly like with after school clubs, sport clubs are kind of a luxury that we can live without so in a lockdown. 

Businesses that are less obviously suffering during coronavirus pandemic 


Technically it is a healthcare, but we won’t be going in for routine checks or to whiten our teeth. 

Private Health Care

Again, we will be limiting our private care appointments the absolute minimum during the world pandemic. 


Logically, if we are going out less, visiting galleries and shopping centers less, we will be using our cars less and park them less anywhere but home.

City Transport & Taxis

Analogically, people without cars will be using public transport less.

Private Child Care

What we mean is private nurseries and preschools, because actually private childminders may earn more during school lockdown.

Private tutoring and courses

Again, any private course providers like PT training courses will suffer, but once we go into quarantine online courses providers may earn more. 

Cobblers, Seamstress, Tailors

It goes without saying, we won’t be fixing our shoes, trousers or be needing new tailored dresses during this most scary period. 


Of course some people will be still moving especially if it goes for a long time, but the ones that can wait with it, definitely will.

Plastic Surgeons

Again it goes without saying, people are scared to go to the hospitals for needed appointments so they will definitely re-scheduling their plastic surgeries.

Fashion Models

In such scary times, less of us will be thinking about fashion shows and trends, also after a ban of mass gatherings, fashion shows won’t be taking place.


Any construction work in our houses will be probably waiting to pandemic so logically builders won’t have that much work.

Housing Agencies

Not only people will be scared to look at houses now, but if we want to buy we will wait to see the prices after this crisis. 

Who lost at the beginning will earn later/ now

The reason here overall will be the same, at the beginning people are focusing on panic buying food and toiletries but after a few weeks, they will get bored of buying soap and sitting at home, so they will start buying more stuff to kill time.

Fashion Industry

There was a massive drop for fashion industry at the beginning but we can see now that people are buying more online so fashion is getting their customers back and when the shops re-open in short time – they will gain even more because people definitely miss their shopping trips.

Toys Industry

People were at home with their kids, as long as shops are selling online – they won’t loose their income.

Furniture and DIY Industry

Well, 45 minutes wait to get a can of paint in B&Q told me a lot but, the 8km queue to Ikea in UK after it re-opened says it all.

Sports Equipment

Apparently, home gym equipment is now more expensive than ever – especially that in UK we can’t be sure when gym’s re-open.

Who earns the most during coronavirus pandemic 


It goes without saying. First of all, people are panic buying now and all medicines are disappearing from the shelves, in two years time we will experience increased waste of expired medicines, that’s for sure. More medicines will be also needed as during a pandemic of course more people will get ill.

Personal hygiene products producers and retailers

People are panic buying, and it also seems like more people started to use soap, which is scary. Personally, when I see toilet paper disappear from the shelves I am kind of glad soap does as well.

Food producers 

Again, people are panic buying. I wonder how much of this food will end up in bins maybe once this is all over or even before. Anyway, any cupboard food manufacturers will earn a fortune. 

Grocery stores & Supermarkets

Manufacturers do not sell directly to people, they sell to grocery stores and supermarkets. 

Netflix and similar services

These guys will earn a fortune I am telling you. Every second article, facebook post , instagram post is telling you to chill out and watch some netflix. In fact I had them at the bottom but decided to bring them up, as I think this pandemic will play very important part for them.

Lumber industry

Well, mostly toilet paper. Who would have thought. 

But also people may need more paper to play with kids at home.

Amazon & Ebay

It goes without saying, people are buying more stuff online than ever.

Gaming Industry

Surprise, not only online games, but mostly. People are playing all sorts of games with their children now and over a half of them will probably need to buy those board games. 

Online Streaming Platforms ( Youtube, Twitch)

More people watch =more people see the ads. You may argue that companies will now reduce their ad spend, but there will be others who will increase it. 

Online Communication Platforms ( Skype, Zoom)

More and more work is now happening online , business meetings, fitness classes etc. 


They will need to work extra hard to develop a cure for coronavirus. 


People have more time to read now, to read they do not need to leave their houses. We say ebooks here but also traditional books will increase their earnings. 

Contraception Manufacturers

Well what else ? If they won’t increase their earnings, I am sure the baby industry will in sort of 9-12 months. 

Truck Drivers

Higher demand for food = more deliveries= more work for truck drivers. 


We need more deliveries to/from supermarkets, from amazon and ebay, someone needs to coordinate that.

Adult Online Entertainment

Similar to youtube, more people spend time at home, and more people spend time online.


There is such a high demand for news now that journalists can keep covering it and people will be still interested. 

Online News Outlets

Same as above – they will have more traffic than ever.

These are the ones that we think will earn and suffer. After observing what is happening the past few days, we came to the conclusion that all online industries will come out of it stronger, because more and more businesses find ways to work online. Fitness instructors , teachers are running online sessions, more businesses will understand that their employees can work online, more people will buy online and may stick to it. 

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May the 4th be with you – Google Broad Core Algorithm Update May 2020 https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/may-the-4th-be-with-you-google-broad-core-algorithm-update-may-2020/ https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/may-the-4th-be-with-you-google-broad-core-algorithm-update-may-2020/#respond Mon, 04 May 2020 22:46:20 +0000 https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/?p=6091 It’s not really called that – but as a company owned by a Star Wars superfan we really do feel strongly about this name. Google rolled out it’s Core Algorithm Update earlier on today, it is called ‘May 2020 Core Update’ Looks like Googler’s are super-fans of Star Wars too and they wanted to wish […]

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It’s not really called that – but as a company owned by a Star Wars superfan we really do feel strongly about this name.

Google rolled out it’s Core Algorithm Update earlier on today, it is called ‘May 2020 Core Update’

Looks like Googler’s are super-fans of Star Wars too and they wanted to wish us ‘Happy Star Wars Day’ with a gift 🙂 

To the point.

Why is it important ?

We do care about all Google Updates obviously. Because we want our websites to perform well in search results. However this one seems especially interesting since it’s the first update since COVID-19  Pandemic began.

Google has since confirmed that user’s search behaviour changed, and as Matt Southern from Search Engine Journal said ‘  With the May 2020 Core Update, Google is faced with the unique challenge of catching up with how the world is searching.’  we completely agree with this statement. 

What is Broad Core Algorithm Update ?

Google Algorithms are systems that filter the search results and deliver the best answer for the query – in simple words.

Broad Core Algorithm Update is exactly what it says on a tin. It’s an update of some sort for this system to improve the results we get when we type a search query into Google.

What does it mean exactly? That we can expect ranking movements in both directions depending on how well we have been following Google guidelines and best practices.

What is the difference between Broad Core Algorithm Update and other updates ?

The main difference between Broad Core Algorithm Update and other Algorithm updates we know such as Penguin, Panda BERT etc is that with those ‘Named Updates’ we are told what the update is targeting; in other words what part of the algorithm Google wants to improve. 

With Broad Core Algorithm updates we do not get this information, however sometimes we can assume what it targets by analysing the outcome, like with Core Algorithm Update August 2018 – nicknamed ‘Medic Update’ as industry experts noticed that medical and health related websites were the main target.

What do we do now ?

Regarding this update nothing really, especially now – all we can do is observe. Regarding drops of ranking caused by this update or regarding any future update ?

The best advice is to :

1.Follow Google’s Guidelines

2.Remember to create your content for users not search engines first

3.Try to be best search result for a given query

4.Keep repeating those three not only around updates but all the time

5.By following only point FOUR you won’t have to worry much when Google releases an update.

May the FOURTH be with you Jedi Masters and Padawans. 

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Creatos Media Presentation https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/creatos-media-presentation/ https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/creatos-media-presentation/#respond Wed, 15 Jul 2015 12:31:04 +0000 Who are we and what Creatos Media can do for you and your business? Creatos Media is a business which works on image of your company based on social media channels and digital marketing. Social media profile of you and your company can be your primary tool to reach infinite number of clients both locally and globally. Social media are one of the most crowded and powerful places in the world with users from around the world Creatos Media not only works on your marketing campaign and social media

The post Creatos Media Presentation appeared first on creatosmedia.co.uk.

Who are we and what Creatos Media can do for you and your business?

Creatos Media is a business which works on image of your company based on social media channels and digital marketing. Social media profile of you and your company can be your primary tool to reach infinite number of clients both locally and globally. Social media are one of the most crowded and powerful places in the world with users from around the worldCreatos Media not only works on your marketing campaign and social media profile we also can design quick and easy to use websites, graphic designs of banners, logos and many more depending on your companies needs. We have also begin video promoting which in internet of today is most liked medium of information and promotion just check Youtube.We can support your company on the journey to the top of your market or to the target you have set yourself and your company. Creatos Media will support you with most loyal and reliable services we offer and never let you fall down from your path. We will always be by your side to support you and your team. Creatos Media will meet you and your company and on weekly basis create reports and action plan so we can be always on track of our achievements and targets.The journey never ends you can always improve your business.
Social media, internet and digital image of your company is the next step in improving your business position on your market.
Most successful companies around the globe already use social media to promote their services, products and brand.
with Creatos Media you will be supported on your journey.
Social Media marketing & Consulting would be the first service we suggest to check on our website.
Thank you for reading the post.
Follow Creatos Media on Facebook and Twitter.

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Business Card & QR Code https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/business-card-qr-code/ https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/business-card-qr-code/#respond Wed, 03 Jun 2015 17:37:33 +0000 Business Card Front Back We have finally made it Creatos Media business cards! Business cards are an element of every business and profession. They come in handy when networking with people as they might be your potential customers or partners. Just including company name in a talk is not enough we need to leave something after a good talk so people can recall the discussion, elevator pitch or a quick chat. What is important in creation of your own business card ? Depending on whether you use

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Business Card


We have finally made it Creatos Media business cards!
Business cards are an element of every business and profession. They come in handy when networking with people as they might be your potential customers or partners. Just including company name in a talk is not enough we need to leave something after a good talk so people can recall the discussion, elevator pitch or a quick chat.
What is important in creation of your own business card ?
Depending on whether you use online service or local printing shop we need to design our business card, there are plenty of templates available out there. When designing our business card we need to keep to our idea and alignments depending on the company type as this can vary between formal and creative designs. The most important aspect of business card is to keep our style, font, logo and colours the same as our website, email, leaflets, social media channels and any other online and offline presence we create. Those elements are important in building our image as a company or professional, your customers, online users (audience) and potential partners will associate your pattern if is the same through out our online and offline presence.
Creatos Media can help you out with business card designs just contact us by email: [email protected] , website: www.creatosmedia.co.uk or phone.
QR Code

QR codes can be used in various real time (offline) spaces such as leaflets, posters and business cards. Sometimes people can not be bothered to type into a browser your website or social media channel. The easier option is to scan a QR code. I have included one on Creatos Media business cards. After networking with someone we can give our business card and ask person to scan QR code to visit our website. It is quick and simple. In today world everyone is in the hurry and quick solutions are the key to successful business.
Boost your online presence with Creatos Media today !

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Quick and Simple Website Design with Creatos Media (eCommerce and E-shop https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/quick-and-simple-website-design-with-creatos-media-ecommerce-and-e-shop/ https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/quick-and-simple-website-design-with-creatos-media-ecommerce-and-e-shop/#respond Tue, 31 Mar 2015 17:55:23 +0000 For start-up business creating website from scratch can be costly and time consuming. However depending on what you need we can use services like Wix.com, MadeSimple or shopify to rocket start your website business. Online presence is important but your first step will be always your own home website which can be promoted with other social sites. Today I have decided to look into a costs of e-shop/eCommerce services offered by Wix, MadeSimple and Shopify and compare them to each other in their

The post Quick and Simple Website Design with Creatos Media (eCommerce and E-shop appeared first on creatosmedia.co.uk.

For start-up business creating website from scratch can be costly and time consuming. However depending on what you need we can use services like Wix.com, MadeSimple or shopify to rocket start your website business. Online presence is important but your first step will be always your own home website which can be promoted with other social sites.
Today I have decided to look into a costs of e-shop/eCommerce services offered by Wix, MadeSimple and Shopify and compare them to each other in their monthly charges and their transaction methods which would work best with you and your business:
Option 1:
The prices without season offers:
eCommerce or e-shop: £10.10 p/m
Unlimited: £7.76 p/m
Combo: £8.06 p/m
Basic with wix brand ads on your website: £2.55 p/m
Transaction Services with Wix:
No monthly fee
3.4{2185edb563906a1795db086fbc934838428d7a8db4455b4cf0d8bb9c1487e04d} + 20p per transaction.
Monthly fee £20
2.9{2185edb563906a1795db086fbc934838428d7a8db4455b4cf0d8bb9c1487e04d} per transaction + £0.20
£19 monthly fee + £0.10 per transaction
Option 2:

Transaction Services with MadeSimple:
No monthly fee
3.4{2185edb563906a1795db086fbc934838428d7a8db4455b4cf0d8bb9c1487e04d} + 20p per transaction.
No monthly fees
2.4{2185edb563906a1795db086fbc934838428d7a8db4455b4cf0d8bb9c1487e04d} + 20p per successful transaction
Option 3:
Prices in £ at 31/03/2015:
Starter plan: £9.42 p/m
Basic: £ 19.53 p/m
Professional: £53.21 p/m
Unlimited: £120.55 p/m
No transaction services need to be set up as Shopify integrates their services including transaction service of which they take 2.4-1.8{2185edb563906a1795db086fbc934838428d7a8db4455b4cf0d8bb9c1487e04d} + 20p charge.
We can help you out with choosing the right service for you.
You do not have to spend all your money on website design check out Creatos Media and how we can help you out.
Creatos Media
We can offer website or e-shop design with any of the above services it is quick and simple, compared to creating website from scratch which costs around £600+ and in addition to any graphic works and hosting charges which in those 3 options are shown above. Our price can be negotiated depending on your need we can also include other services such as setting up and maintaining your social medium sites. We can design logo, banner, leaflet and your business card, with Creatos Media you can set up your business in no time with our full support which is chosen by you in how many aspects you want our involvement to be. There are no limitations when creating or reworking your business online presence with us you can do it fast with affordable, competivie pricing. Visit our website www.creatosmedia.co.uk or send us email to [email protected].
We are here to help you and your business if you have any questions contact us we are happy to help.
Check our social sites for more updates.

The post Quick and Simple Website Design with Creatos Media (eCommerce and E-shop appeared first on creatosmedia.co.uk.

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E-Marketing part 1: Online Image https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/e-marketing-part-1-online-image/ https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/e-marketing-part-1-online-image/#respond Thu, 19 Mar 2015 18:38:50 +0000 Check out our Blogger post: http://creatosmedia.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/e-marketing-part-1.html Check out our social site, contact us with any question. We can help you out with marketing of you and your business. Stay put for part 2!

The post E-Marketing part 1: Online Image appeared first on creatosmedia.co.uk.

Check out our Blogger post:
Check out our social site, contact us with any question.
We can help you out with marketing of you and your business.
Stay put for part 2!

The post E-Marketing part 1: Online Image appeared first on creatosmedia.co.uk.

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Mobile Website https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/mobile-website/ https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/mobile-website/#respond Tue, 17 Mar 2015 16:07:19 +0000 The importance of mobile website is really significant as shown from the ‘Kissmetrics’ source the mobile browsing is constantly rising. We use our mobile device almost all the time not only to call and text but to look up stuff on the internet whether you are using WI-FI, 3G, 4G there is always something to see out there in wide web. We use all kind of apps and mobile websites are no more just an extra for you as an individual or for your business. Mobile website is a must with figures rising

The post Mobile Website appeared first on creatosmedia.co.uk.

The importance of mobile website is really significant as shown from the ‘Kissmetrics’ source the mobile browsing is constantly rising. We use our mobile device almost all the time not only to call and text but to look up stuff on the internet whether you are using WI-FI, 3G, 4G there is always something to see out there in wide web. We use all kind of apps and mobile websites are no more just an extra for you as an individual or for your business. Mobile website is a must with figures rising for mobile use we can not ignore it if we want our personal or business website to be broadly accessible.
Check our blog:
For more images and posts.
Contact us if you are intresting in setting up your own website also available in mobile format.

The post Mobile Website appeared first on creatosmedia.co.uk.

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TSF by Katarina https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/tsf-by-katarina/ https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/tsf-by-katarina/#respond Sat, 14 Mar 2015 19:46:26 +0000 We have created our first e-shop and our client was TSF by Katarina. Here we have her website and amazing blog. Check her out on Twitter (@tsfbykatarina) and Facebook for social media updates. http://theshortiesfashion.blogspot.co.uk/ www.tsfbykatarina.com For similar services check our website and social media sites. We can create e-shop, website and promote you and your business on social media sites.

The post TSF by Katarina appeared first on creatosmedia.co.uk.

We have created our first e-shop and our client was TSF by Katarina. Here we have her website and amazing blog. Check her out on Twitter (@tsfbykatarina) and Facebook for social media updates.http://theshortiesfashion.blogspot.co.uk/
For similar services check our website and social media sites.
We can create e-shop, website and promote you and your business on social media sites.

The post TSF by Katarina appeared first on creatosmedia.co.uk.

https://www.creatosmedia.co.uk/blog/tsf-by-katarina/feed/ 0